침투 저류조 시설에서 식생을 이용한 비점오염원 제거 특성에 관한 연구
Published Online: Dec 31, 2012
The survey was conducted on the seepage water reservoir in Y city where a penetrative seepage water facility, a natural-type treatment facility, was installed. The surrounding of the seepage water facility in Y city is mostly cropland (48.1% farm, 9.8% city, 5.5% road, 36.6% mountain) and the total precipitation in Y city between May and December, 2011 was 1,490.8mm, with average 25.3mm per day excluding non-raining days. From June to September, 2011, once every month, the undertow inside seepage water was monitored and the vegetation inside seepage water reservoir was examined. In the seepage water reservoir in Y city, there were emerged plants and aquatic plants growing in spring, summer, and fall, such as duckweed, yellow Russian iris, and raupo. The water quality monitoring showed that T-N was removed 57.1%, 61.8%, and 100% in June, July, and September respectively, and T-P 53%, 50%, 100%. Also, T-N removed by vegetation was 119.4g, 337.9g, and 11.2g in June, July, and September respectively, and T-P 49.8g, 112.6g, 3.8g. Although the amount removed by the entire plants was minimal, it seems that vegetation removes nutritive sales inside the seepage water reservoir as well.