한국산 변형균(점균)류의 연구
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Published Online: Dec 31, 2012
Korean recorded Myxomycets were rearrangement published reported until 2011. As the resulting, they were composed of 1 division, 2 classes, 2 subclasses, 6 orders, 9 families, 22 genera and 44 species. Among them, genus Collaria and Fuligo luteonitens, Fuligo septica var. rufa, Tubifera dimorphotheca and Collaria arcyrionema are newly to Korea. They were desingned Korean common names by author.
Keywords: Myxomycets; 44 species; genus Collaria; Fuligo luteonitens; F. septicavar. rufa; Tubifera dimorphotheca; Collaria arcyrionema; Korean common names