
신분류체계에 의한 담자균류의 분류학적 연구 :백두산의 무당버섯속을 중심으로

방극소1, 조덕현2
Keuk-Soo BANG1, Duck-Hyun CHO2
Author Information & Copyright
1전주대학교 자연과학대학 교양학부
2경희대학교 자연사박물관
1Dept. of General Education, Natural Science College, Chonju University, Jeonju 565-701, Korea
2Natural History Museum, Kyung-Hee University, Seoul 130-701, Korea

ⓒ Copyright 2012 Korean Association for Conservation of Nature. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2012


Many genus Russula were collected at Mt. Backdu and Idobackha from 2002 to 2010. They were identified with observation, microscopic observation and references. As the resulting, following species are newly to Korea : Russula abietina, R. adulterina, R. alnetorum, R. alpigenes, R. alutacea, R. azurea, R. betularum, R. brunneoviolacea, R. caerulea, R. cavipes, R. subrubens, R. clariana, R. claroflava, R. dryadicola, R. eburneoaerolata, R. elaeodes, R. emetica var. emetica, R. emetica var. grisescens, R. emetica var. longipes, R. emetica var. sylvestris, R. exalbicans, R. fellea, R. firmula, R. font-queri, R. globispora, R. grisea, R. illota, R. incarnata, R. laurocerasi var. fragrans, R. intermedia, R. lutea, R. maculata, R. melliolens, R. minutula, R. modesta, R. montana, R. neoemetica, R. nitida, R. ochroleucoides, R. olivaceoviolacens, R. parazurea, R. pectinatoides, R. perlactea, R. persicina, R. pseudointegra, R. redolens, R. rhodopus, R. risigalina var. acetolens, R. resigallina var. resigallina, R. roseipes, R. rubroalba, R. sericeonitens, R. simulans, R. subterfurcata, R. tenuiceps, R. turci, R. velenovskyi, R. veternosa, R. vinosa, R. violacea, R. virid-rurolimbata, R. xerampelina var. barlare and R. pseudo-plivascens. They were desgined Korean common names by authors.

Keywords: Russula; Mt. Backdu; identified; newly to Kore