
유역특성에 따른 하천 서식공간 분석

이성우1, 성진욱1, 홍용표1, 박제철1
Seong Woo LEE1, Jin Uk SEONG1, Yong Pyo HONG1, Je Chul PARK1
Author Information & Copyright
1금오공과대학교 환경공학과
1Department of Environmental Engineering, Kumoh National Institude of Technology

ⓒ Copyright 2013 Korean Association for Conservation of Nature. This is an Open-Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License ( which permits unrestricted non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Published Online: Dec 31, 2013


To compare the stream habitats according to the characteristics of watershed, this study has classified 52 streams in Nakdong River basin into hill, rural, urban streams and then analyzed the river habitats by characteristics. Hill streams show spatial diversity due to sharp winding and tilting of streams. The rural upstreams show the similar characteristics to those of hill streams, yet mid-to-downstreams show high ratio between waterway width and river width due to the construction of irrigation systems such as intake weir. Urban streams show constant ratio between waterway width and river width due to the construction of safe levee and the river management in the simple form of levee-riverside-revetment-waterway(double section trapezoid), which results in low spatial diversity. The river habitats according to the characteristics of watershed were compratively analyzed. The results suggest the section in which the river maintenance was implemented show the big and constant ratio between waterway width and river width. The section with natural flow show the diverse ratio between waterway width and river width, which will lead to the diversity of habitats and healthy eco-system.

Keywords: habitat; hill stream; meandering; river width; rural stream; urban stream; waterway width